Thursday, July 16, 2020

What I? th? Pr?v? It T??t

What I? th? “Pr?v? It” T??t S? ??u ju?t fini?h?d ??h??l ?nd ??ur ti?k?t h?? b??n ?un?h?d and ?? a j?b ???k?r in thi? ???n?m?, you’re in a uni?u? ???iti?n.Y?u w?nt to kn?w why?One milli?n j?b? have been added thi? year in th? U.S. ?nd the un?m?l??m?nt r?t? i? ?t a 16 year l?w.This ?ut? you in command and ?r?vid?? you with l?v?r?g? in th? int?rvi?w ?r?????. But, ??u still h?v? to get th? j?b!S? ??u n?il?d th? int?rvi?w ?nd th? boss w?nt ??u t? ?ut ??ur m?n?? wh?r? ??ur m?uth i? b? ??king you to take a “?r?v? it t??t”.Virtu?ll? ?v?r? ??m??n? t?d?? uses a handful ?f standard ??m?ut?r programs t? manage d??-t?-d?? ???r?ti?n?.Fr?m ?l?ri??l work t? ????unting t? gr??hi? d??ign, using indu?tr?-?t?nd?rd ??m?ut?r ?r?gr?m? are a reality ?f many j?b?.S? if ??u ?r? ???l?ing f?r jobs th?t r??uir? th? u?? ?f ?t?nd?rd ??m?ut?r ?r?gr?m?, ??ur ?bilit? t? use th??? programs ?ffi?i?ntl? ?nd ???ur?t?l? could b? critical t? getting hir?d.Th?r?f?r? in ?rd?r to better ?v?lu?t? ??ndid?t?? during th? hiring ?r?????, m?n? employers , hiring m?n?g?r? and r??ruit?r? use a ?r?gr?m ??ll?d Prove It!This i? to enable ?m?l???r? ?nd hiring m?n?g?r? ????rt?in th?t your ???li??ti?n whi?h ???? “v?r? ?r?fi?i?nt in MS words” or m??b? “?x??ll?nt ?t Microsoft excel”, ??tu?ll? m??n? ??u ?r? ?x??ll?nt in these ?r?gr?m?.H?ving ?n ????rtunit? t? take th? Pr?v? It! t??t? r?l?v?nt to ??ur fi?ld in ?dv?n?? ??n help test your ?kill? and ??? wh?r? ??u m?? need some added ?r??ti?? b?f?r? going thr?ugh the hiring ?r?????.WHAT IS PROVE IT!? Pr?v? It! is ??ftw?r? designed b? Kenexa th?t lets employers t??t a job candidate’s ability with ?t?nd?rd ?r?gr?m?.It giv?? ?m?l???r? a ?l??r way t? m???ur? how w?ll a ??ndid?t? ??n use ??m?ut?r ?r?gr?m? th?t ?r? im??rt?nt t? th? r?l? they are interviewing f?r.That way, employers ??n b? ?ur? that the ??ndid?t? sitting for int?rvi?w ??uld ?t?rt work with?ut need f?r mu?h tr?ining ?n how to u?? these computer programs.Th?? are kind ?f like ?r?-?m?l??m?nt tests.What are pre-employment t??t??Pr ?-?m?l??m?nt t??t? ?r? used t? ??r??n job applicants ?nd ??n include t??ting ?f ??gnitiv? ?biliti??, kn?wl?dg?, w?rk skills, physical ?nd m?t?r ?biliti??, ??r??n?lit?, emotional int?llig?n??, l?ngu?g? ?r?fi?i?n??, ?nd ?v?n integrity.Drug t??ting ??n ?l?? be utiliz?d ?? ??rt ?f th? ?r?-?m?l??m?nt ?r????? as w?ll ?? test ??ur IT ?kill?.C?m??ni?? u?? t??ting to find th? ??ndid?t?? m??t lik?l? t? ?u????d in th? open ???iti?n? ?nd t? screen ?ut those wh? are un?u?lifi?d.Wh? ?r? th?? used?B? h?l?ing ??m??ni?? identify th? ??ndid?t?? most likely t? ??rf?rm w?ll on th? j?b, ?r?-?m?l??m?nt t??ting ??n l??d to ?dditi?n?l ??m??n? benefits, such as ??ving time ?nd cost in th? selection process, decreasing turnover, ?nd ?v?n im?r?ving m?r?l?.According t? a survey b? the Am?ri??n M?n?g?m?nt A????i?ti?n, “Alm??t 90 ??r??nt ?f firm? that t??t j?b ???li??nt? ??? th?? will n?t hir? job ???k?r? wh?n ?r?-?m?l??m?nt t??ting find? th?m t? b? d?fi?i?nt in b??i? ?kill?”HOW DOES PROVE IT! WORK?Pr?v? It! h?? t??t? d??ign?d for ??mm?n programs used f?r th? d??-t?-d?? ???r?ti?n? of businesses lik? Mi?r???ft W?rd, and Mi?r???ft Ex??l.It has role-specific t??t? f?r ????unting ?r?gr?m? like ACCPAC ?nd design ?r?gr?m? lik? Aut?CAD ?nd Adobe Ph?t??h??.Prove It! also offers n?n-?kill-b???d assessments in fields lik?, b?h?vi?ur?l, h??lth ??r?, and l?g?l.These t??t? ?r? ?t?nd?rdiz?dâ€"whi?h ?ll?w? f?r more m??ningful ??m??ri??n?.But th?? ?r? also customizableâ€"so th?? can b? adjusted t? fit th? ????ifi? r??uir?m?nt? ?f a ????ifi? job.When a candidate t?k?? a t??t, th?ir activity is tr??k?d.Based on predefined ?u????? ?rit?ri? like th? ?m?unt ?f tim? t?k?n ?r the number ?f errors, candidates are giv?n a score.This ???r? can be u??d t? judge h?w well a ??ndid?t? kn?w? th? program they ?r? being t??t?d ?n.WHY DO EMPLOYERS USE PROVE IT!?C?m??ni?? r??uir? ????l? in ?ll kinds of r?l??.Th? ??m? ??m??n? m?? need t? hire an ????unt?nt ?nd a graphic d??ign?r, f?r ?x?m?l?.It i? unlikely th?t a hiring m?n?g?r will b? an expert in b?th ?f th??? fields.Pr?v? It! ?ll?w? hiring m?n?g?r? to t??t candidates f?r specific kn?wl?dg? with?ut h?ving t? b? ?ubj??t matter ?x??rt?.Pr?v? It! ???ign? a ?l??r number th?t ?m?l???r? ??n u?? to ??m??r? candidates.F?r example, if one ??ndid?t? ???r?? a 60% and another score a 95% on th? same test, ?n employer ??n u?? this ?? a ?l??r indi??ti?n ?f wh? i? b?tt?r ?uit?d to u?ing the software.How Can Prove It! Improve Your Job Search?If you ?r? at th? ?t?g? ?f ??ur j?b ???r?h wh?r? ??u are b?ing int?rvi?w?d, ??u m?? h?v? t? take ?n? ?f th??? t??t?.G?tting as high ?f a ???r? ?? ????ibl? ??uld m??n th? difference between g?tting hired ?r h?ving to continue ??ur j?b ???r?h.Kn?wing about t??ting ??ftw?r? lik? thi? ?nd how th? r??ult? could be u??d may giv? you a slight ?dv?nt?g? ?v?r ?th?r ??ndid?t??.But if you w?nt to g?t an ?v?n greater edge on the competition, you ??n t?k? ?r??ti?? t??t? th?t will ?r???r? ??u f?r th? t???? ?f tests you m?? f??? in a r??l- w?rld ???n?ri?.Y?u ??n t?k? a ?r??ti?? ?r?v? it t??t online.S? you g?t th? j?b and th?n ??u are invited t? ?r?v? ItY?u’v? b??n invit?d t? t?k? a K?n?x? Pr?v? It Test, which m??n? it’? time to ?ut ??ur m?n?? wh?r? your m?uth i? in t?rm? of ??ur Microsoft Offi?? ?kill?.Thi? t??t will help you d?m?n?tr?t? your ?biliti?? with ?r?gr?m? like Word and Ex??l, ?? well ?? id?ntif?ing ?n? ??rti?ul?r strengths or w??kn?????.Wh?t? on ItTh? ?im ?f thi? t??t is to ?r?v? that you have the skills ?nd ?bilit? to use Microsoft Offi?? at your n?w j?b with?ut t?? mu?h guidance ?r prep.P?t?nti?l employers w?nt t? g?t a ??n?? ?f wh?t ??u know ?nd wh?th?r ?r not ??ull b? ?bl? t? hit the gr?und running with ?dmini?tr?tiv? skills as ???n ?? you ?t?rt.F?r ?x?m?l?, in th? ???t, the Ex??l exam h?? t??t?d the f?ll?wing ?kill?:Opening a workbookIn??rting/d?l?ting ??lumn? ?nd r?w?Ch?nging f?nt ?t?l??/?iz??F?rm?tting ??ll? as currency/decimalsUsing the ?um/?v?r?g? functionsAligning t?xtS?ving/?rintingAligning t ?xtCreating b?rd?r?Renaming a W?rk?h??tCh?nging ??lumn widthIn??rting a ?h?rt ?r w?rk?h??tWr???ing textMerging cellsS?rting b? diff?r?nt v?lu??Adding headers/footersAs you can see, thi? is a b??i? overview ?f ?ll th? thing? you ??n d? within th? program.M?k? sure ??u h?v? a g??d ??n?? of ?ll these b??i??, ?nd m?r?.Th? aim i? n?t to b? t?nt?tiv? ?b?ut ?n?thing when ??u g? in on t??t dayâ€"you want t? be ?bl? t? complete ?v?r? r??u??t with?ut much ??u?? ?r confusion.H?w t? Pr???r?It can in?r???? your confidence and help ??u ?r??ti??.Even if ??ur? ?ur? ??u know how to u?? W?rd, Ex??l, and PowerPoint, ??u n??d t? m?k? ?ur? you d?nt ??ni? and forget everything und?r th? pressure ?f an ?ffi?i?l t??t of ??ur ?kill?.U?? a ?it? lik? T??? t? ?r???r? with free sample ?u??ti?n? ?nd ti?? for test-taking.Or ??t f?r a Kenexa PrepPack in whi?h you ??n t?k? a v?ri?t? of t??t? ?nd ??????m?nt? ?nlin?â€"with timed t??t? ?nd score r???rt? ?nd ?v?r?thing.Th? d?t?il?d ?n?w?r explanations ?r? ??rti?ul?rl? u??ful f?r ??m?nting ??n???t? th?t ??u might n?t yet ?uit? fully understand.Finally, ??u could u?? a ??ll??ti?n of Y?uTub? Microsoft tut?ri?l? for ?ll ?r??? ?f Offi??.Whatever ??u n??d, ??u can find it ?nlin?.The ExamOn?? you get to th? ??tu?l ?x?m, know th?t ??u’ll h?v? 14 d??? t? take ??ur ??????m?nt?.Th? length ?f each v?ri??â€"fr?m 15-30 minut?? for n?n-t??hni??l ??????m?nt?, to 45-60 minut?? for m?r? technical ?n??. The ??????m?nt? are n?t timed, but thi? is th? ?v?r?g? amount ?f time n??d?d to t?k? them.You can’t skip ?n? ?u??ti?n? ?r r?turn t? ?r?vi?u? ??r??n? t? ?h?ng? your answers. But you ??n take th? ??????m?nt againâ€"as m?n? tim?? as ??u wish.Employers will not h?v? ?????? t? ??ur results, th?ugh a ?t?ffing ?g?n?? might ??k you to t?k? ?n? of these t??t? to determine what ??u’r? b??t ?tâ€"whi?h skills on ??ur r??um? are provable, ?nd wh?r? ??u might m?t?h best.Wh? or what i? Kenexa?Kenexa is an IBM ??m??n? that ?r?vid?? recruitment, retention, ?nd t?l?nt m?n?g?m?n t ??luti?n? for ?r?f???i?n?l ??m??ni??. A? ?u?h, K?n?x? w?rk? with m?n? diff?r?nt organizations, ?r?viding th?m with ?kill? t??t? t? b? u??d ?? ??rt of th?ir hiring ?r???????. These t??t? ?????? ???li??nt? ?kill? f?r a wid? r?ng? ?f ???iti?n?, ?u?h as th??? in the fin?n?i?l, indu?tri?l, t??hni??l, ?l?ri??l, ??ftw?r?, call centre, ?nd h??lth??r? fi?ld?. K?n?x? also ?ff?r? ?m?l???r? three ??titud? tests with whi?h to ?????? ???li??nt? ??gnitiv? ?biliti??: numerical, v?rb?l, ?nd logical reasoning. In ?dditi?n, K?n?x? ?r?vid?? ??r??n?lit? ?nd behavioural t??t? to h?l? recruiters d?t?rmin? if a ??ndid?t?? di????iti?n matches th? r??uir?m?nt? ?f th? ???iti?n.TH? DIFF?R?NT T???? ?F KENEXA PR?V? IT T??T?1. K?n?x? Prove It Ex??l TestImportant F??t? about the Pr?v? It Excel T??t.K?n?x?? Pr?v? It Ex??l t??t assesses ??ur ?bilit? t? complete t??k? in Microsofts Ex??l ??ftw?r? at v?ri?u? l?v?l?. You will receive ?n ?m?il with a link t? ?t?rt ?n ?nlin? t??t. In m??t ?????, ??u will b? asked to t? k? a b?tt?r? ?f Microsoft Offi?? ?nd t??ing assessments, with Ex??l b?ing ?n? of them.The t??t i? ?ntir?l? int?r??tiv?, and ?imul?t?? th? fun?ti?n?lit? of real Excel ??ftw?r?. T??k? will pop u? at the bottom of th? ??r??n and you will h?v? to ??m?l?t? ???h t??k ?ri?r to m?ving ?n t? th? n?xt. Th?r? will be no multi?l?-?h?i?? ?u??ti?n? ?n th? t??t.Th?r? ?r? tw? l?v?l? ?f Kenexa Mi?r???ft Ex??l tests; b?th ?r? untimed:Th? b??i? test i? designed m??tl? f?r clerical ???iti?n?.The t??t? tasks v?r? fr?m using ?im?l? Ex??l functions, performing g?n?r?l ??mm?nd? such as printing ??ti?n?, ?nd formatting cells ?nd l???ut.The advanced (power u??r) test might also r??uir? knowledge ?f pivot t?bl?, m??r? ?r??ti?n, filtering, and functions ?u?h ?? VLOOKUP, COUNTIF ?nd CONCATENATE.Inside Info and TipsUnlik? working on th? actual Ex??l software, the Prove It int?rf??? l??v?? no r??m f?r ?rr?r?. S?m? ?f th? ?h?rt?ut? ??nn?t b? u??d, formulas h?v? t? be t???d ??rr??tl? without th? ?r?gr?m’? h?l?, ? nd there’s only ?n? ?????t?bl? answer to Ex??l t??t ?u??ti?n? whi?h ??n usually be answered in more than ?n? w??.M?k? ?ur? ??u r?fr??h ??ur skills b?f?r? ??u t?k? th? t??t. Pr??ti?? th? various commands ?nd b? familiar with m?r? th?n ?n? way ?f ?x??uting th?m.You ??n u?? a ????nd d?vi?? (??ll ?h?n? ?r l??t??) f?r ??r?ll?l ???i?t?n??. N?t? th?t ?v?n th?ugh time i? not limited, it is being m???ur?d, and th?r?f?r? will influ?n?? ??ur fin?l r?t?.Sample Qu??ti?n?B?l?w ?r? ??m? sample ?u??ti?n? whi?h ?r? ?imil?r in ?t?l? to t??k? seen in ?n ??tu?l Pr?v? It Excel test.Normal User Sample Qu??ti?n?:Ch?ng? th? font ?t?l? ?f the fir?t row t? C?mbri?.Right ?lign th? t?xt.R?n?m? th? w?rk?h??t t? T??t?r??.Power User Sample Qu??ti?n?:Fill n with r?d ?v?r? ???r? higher than 85 using ??nditi?n?l formatting.Und?r full name. ??mbin? th? fir?t ?nd l??t name (concatenate function).Show th? numb?r? und?r th? “Score ??lumn as ??r??nt?g??.2. K?n?x? Pr?v? It Typing T??tA vast numb?r ?f jobs t?d?? r??uir ? a ??rt?in l?v?l ?f typing ?kill?.Ind??d, a ??ndid?t?’? t??ing skills h?v? become more ?nd more relevant f?r ?m?l???r? ?? a ?r?r??ui?it? for hiring.The K?n?x? Prove It typing t??t i? one ?f the m??t ???ul?r K?n?x? Prove It t??t?. It is part ?f the ??????m?nt ?r????? for technical, industrial, m?di??l, and clerical ???iti?n?.Pr?v? It T??ing Test Important FactsAs ??rt ?f th? application process, you will r???iv? an ?m?il with a link t? ?t?rt an ?nlin? Pr?v? It typing t??t. In m??t ?????, ??u will ?l?? b? ??k?d t? take a variety ?f different K?n?x? Prove It tests.These might in?lud? ?th?r K?n?x? ?kill? t??t?, such as th? Prove It Mi?r???ft Office t??t, the Prove It d?t? entry test ?nd th? Pr?v? It ????unting test.Of those, th? m??t common is th? Microsoft Offi?? t??t, whi?h will u?u?ll? in?lud? both Ex??l ?nd W?rd ??????m?nt?.Th? goal of th? Kenexa Pr?v? It t??ing t??t i? t? measure th? speed ?nd ???ur??? of a t??t-t?k?r? t??ing.During th? t??t, you will b? ?r???nt?d with a passag e which you will b? ??k?d t? r?-t??? ?? ???ur?t?l? ?nd ?? ?ui?kl? as ??u can. The tim? will ?t?rt running as ???n ?? you ?li?k begin.The ??????m?nt will ??nt?in ?n? ?????g? ?f u? to 4000 ?h?r??t?r?, in?luding spaces ?nd any html f?rm?tting ??d?. This comes ?ut u?u?ll? to between 300-350 w?rd?. Most companies create a ????ifi? t?xt with ??nt?nt related t? the job, while some ?th?r companies u?? a general format.The t??t? time fr?m? i? 3 t? 5 minut??. Y?ur ???r? will reflect the ?v?r?g? numb?r ?f w?rd? ??r minut? (WPM) ??u t???d.Pr?v? It Typing T??t R??ult?Th? r??ult? are ??l?ul?t?d ????rding t? three parameters: R?w words per minut?, ?v?r?g? mi?t?k?? ??r minute ?nd ?dju?t?d words ??r minut?.Th?ugh accuracy is crucial, th? m??t important ??m??n?nt of thi? t??t i? ????d.Th? minimum t??ing speed r??uir?d varies fr?m j?b t? j?b. M?n? ?m?l???r? d?fin? 40 wpm ?? th? minimum speed f?r a job; this i? ?l?? th? ?v?r?g? t??ing speed. However, ??m? ?r?f???i?n?, in whi?h typing ?kill? are ?n ???? nti?l ??rt ?f th? w?rk, r??uir? f??t?r typing speeds (b?tw??n 60-80 wpm).Examples ?f Pr?f???i?n? th?t R??uir? High-L?v?l T??ing Skill?:Admini?tr?tiv? ?nd Ex??utiv? A??i?t?nt?L?g?l S??r?t?ri??Cu?t?m?r Su???rt St?ffC?m?ut?r C?d?r?D?t? Entr? Cl?rk?M?di??l TranscriptionistsSt?n?gr??h?r?H?w t? Im?r?v? Y?ur T??ing Speed?It i? r???mm?nd?d to practice ?n a platform th?t ?imul?t?? th? real t??t interface and its tim? pressure.P?? attention to ???it?l l?tt?r? and punctuation.M?int?in a ??mf?rt?bl? ???tur?: your shoulders should b? r?l?x?d, ??ur feet flat ?n th? fl??r, ?nd ??ur b??k ?tr?ight. G??d ???tur? ?n?bl?? you t? ??v? ?n?rg? ?nd f??l r?l?x?d during the test.If you have enough tim? before th? t??t, try t? improve ??ur ability to t??? with?ut l??king ?t the keyboard. It might ??u?? more mistakes initi?ll?, but ??u will ?ui?kl? l??rn the ???iti?n? of th? keys ?nd b?gin to t??? f??t?r ?nd m?r? accurately.T??ing is b???d ?n muscle m?m?r?. A? ?u?h, ??ur mu??l?? will n??d ??m? tim? and practic e t? ?dju?t t? th? new t??hni?u?? you are learning ?r improving ?n.Wh? ??u ?h?uld prepare before taking th? t??tS?m? ????l? b?li?v? that th?? ??n d? ?n?thing, once th?? h?v? a basic kn?wl?dg? of the ?ubj??t mater, h?w hard ??uld it b??Oth?r? b?li?v? that ?n?? th?? see h?w it? d?n?, ?ur?, th?? can do it and th?n fin?ll?, w? h?v? those wh? b?li?v? that ?in?? they’ve d?n? it b?f?r?, d???it? b?ing 20 ???r? ago, then ??n do it n?w.I want t? ??t?g?ri??ll? ??? th?t, you r??ll? h?v? to ?r??ti?? b?f?r? t?king thi? t??t, irrespective ?f h?w good ??u know you ?r?.Test ??nditi?n? are n?v?r th? ??m? with n?rm?l ??nditi?n?.Th?t b?ing ??id, here ?r? a few r????n? why ??u ?h?uld ?r??ti??.You will get ?n ?bj??tiv? assessment of your ?biliti??: Maybe ??ur fri?nd? h?v? told ??u th?t you ??ur t??ing ?kill? ?r? ??rf??t, or perhaps ??u t??? the f??t??t among ??ur fri?nd?. But d? ??u really kn?w ??ur l?v?l? When you t?k? a ?r??ti?? test, you will b? m???ur?d ?g?in?t indu?tr? ?t?nd?rd?. That way, you can objectively kn?w ??ur ?t?nd.Y?u will improve ??ur ?kill?: Some ????l? tend t? f?v?ur ??rt?in ?kill? ?v?r others. Wh?n ??u take a ?r??ti?? ?r?v? it t??t, ??u ?r? t??t?d in all ?kill r?l?v?nt t? ??ur ?r?f???i?n ?r th? j?b ???li?d, th?t is, so you’ll n??d t? ?r??ti?? them ?ll if you w?nt t? d? well in the actual test and practise m?k?? f?r perfection ?? a ???ing goals.Y?u will g?in a b?tt?r kn?wl?dg? ?f th? ?kill? ??u n??d: If you t?k? the practice t??t?, ??u will b???m? m?r? f?mili?r with th? t??t ?r????? ?nd ??u would kn?w wh?t t? ?x???t ?n?? th? actual t??t b?gin?Y?u will be m?tiv?t?d t? ?ut in m?r? w?rk: It’s very easy t? ?ut ?ff ?r??ti?? f?r ?n?th?r d??, if you think you know it. But once you t?k? a ?r??ti?? t??t ?nd r??liz? you really are n?t ?? fantastic ?? you th?ught, it w?uld m?tiv?t? ??u to ?r??ti?? h?rd?r.

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